Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 9

Okay, today's cat is much much much better than yesterday's! yay! what do you think of this one debbie?

I used watercolor. no idea how this will translate on fabric...but just a sketch for pose, color and style I guess...whee!

On a side note, Bryce and I got a puzzle today...3000 pieces, it is proving to be quite the challenge...and in my focused distraction I knock beer on the left side edge so that was quite frustrating but we survived. hopefully they don't warp too much... I also picked up Fluxx and Zombie Fluxx which will provide great amounts of entertainment when I can find people to play tomorrow...

Okay, I'm going to go read for about half an hour toodles!

1 comment:

Disaster Diva Debbie said...

Oooohh pretty! Mine will have blue eyes of course....I like the bow. I just have to figure out how to translate it into fabric.

Thanks for your help today.