Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 14

Okay, now let's see here. we're up to yesterday. The story behind yesterday's drawing is that at work I found out my coworker's son was taken to the hospital when he couldn't feel his legs. As it turned out, they found a blood clot in his neck. He was in surgery for two hours while they got it out. I made a get well card for him and today everyone signed it. He plays hockey and I've heard he's super super good at it. so I made a hockey teddy bear...see!? I can't stop thinking about making teddy bears!!! *sigh* but he's cute. I'm very very happy with how the card turned out. I used colored pencil too which I'm not very used to...but good results were had.

So right now I'm going to take a break from my desk and read a couple of chapters from my book before drawing again. Must finish the Amber Spyglass before classes start again!!!

1 comment:

Disaster Diva Debbie said...

Did you finish? What did you think? Which book do you like the best?

Cute bear...I like his skates.