Thursday, June 18, 2009


The big move is officially this Saturday. Bryce and I have a storage place set up for Saturday and we're enlisting the help of friends and family to help us tackle all that stuff. Then lots of cleaning to prepare for our final walk through on Sunday. I still have mixed feelings about having to leave this place. But overall I'm really optimistic about the chance to regain some financial footing.

My goal is to have my credit cards paid off, two of them canceled and cut up, leaving one for emergencies with a sizable chunk of money saved up as well. I've been really foolish with money and it has gotten out of hand, I'm ready for change and I'm going to tackle it.

In other news, my internship at Goody Beads wraps up next week. When I asked if they would decide to bring me on as a paid part of the workings upstairs, I was told not likely. I've heard this before and I felt slightly betrayed after all my hard work that went unpaid. Sure, MCAD is happy, having another box checked for my transcript, but where are the ethics and loyalty? Play on my inexperience and naive hopes, fine, but don't expect me to be thrilled to continue doing little illustrations for you here and there when you feel like it...

Ugg, but my frustrations lead me to looking on my schools career services site to discover a posting for Fast Horse Inc. a multi Media Design firm in Minneapolis that has a wonderful personality that resonates with me nicely. They are looking for a Design intern and they will pay $12 for one with hopes of them taking a full time position in the fall...I feel a little foolish to hope I can nab this job...but that doesn't change the fact that I'm hoping all the same.

Here's a little something I've been working on for Goody Beads, I'm quite happy with how she's turning out although it's a little bittersweet since I found out the unhappy news. I don't really want them to have her now...*sigh* oh well...that's life I guess.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Moving time

Well, it's finally come. the time to leave this awesome place we have in Southwest Minneapolis. We've rented this house for about ten months now and I'm really super sad that we have to leave. But alas, the money is just not there. Bryce and I spent most of the day packing up my studio and the basement storage room. clearing that stuff into the garage and whatnot. Loooooots of work! I'm tired! Moved some stuff into my car as well to start moving the stuff I want to live with over the summer over to Debbie's and grandma's.

As much as I'm going to miss living with Bryce and getting to see him every day, I'm really looking forward to living at Grandma's again. I get to see my baby! Midnight Moon (Aka Evil Awful Pussy) is always so mad at me for "abandoning" him. This should make him less sulky. Plus, good ol' home cooking from the grandma? how can you get better than that? Then bantering with debbie on a regular basis...kinda miss that. Then there's being able to bike to work every day, not paying bills, not paying rent, and less to worry about in general. Hopefully the Summer will prove to be a good time to recoup some funds and pick ourselves back up.

I'll admit, I've been slacking off on my art (and just about everything else I've been wanting to use the summer for). but I've been working from 9 to 6 just about every day and by the time I get home I'm just not motivated to do anything...That should change when the move is over...*crosses fingers*

yeah...not a whole lot to say here...

oh! if you're a crafter, you should totally check out the place that I work... They just redid their website and it looks awesome. As part of my internship I've been working on creating illustration content for the site. Particularly in the tutorial section. (note, I did not do the Miss Pearl Illustration, that would be my coworker So's doing. isn't she cute?) but yeah, go check it out! One of these days I get to be a guest blogger, so look for something from Kitty Crystal...I think that's the name I'm going to go with!

Anyway, I think I'm going to make something to eat and finish watching Batman Begins... I'm totally wiped from all that packing!