Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 30 and Snowman pics

Okay so here's the drawing for yesterday...Warning...artistic nudity...

And the rest of these pictures were taken today when Bryce and I made a snowman in our front yard. We had a great time and a bit of a snowball fight...I won...hehe, mostly because I had gloves on...

Gregory the Snowman!

Me and Buddy testing the camera angle.

Bryce, Buddy and I...Awwwww... so cute!

Snow eating puppy!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 29

Back on track! yay!

This is from the 24 Hour Theatre I went to with Amy on Saturday the 24th. little sketches of memorable objects from the plays, a flamingo, a spoon, a necklace, a frame portrait and yes...the magical Dildo Wand of Jesus...don't ask...please...just don't

I've been making it a habit to cover old calendar pages with art, the idea is that since I'm always carrying the planner around, I'll always have examples of my art work to's been good fun so far and it's pretty much acting as my visual journal of sorts since I'm tending to use objects and events surrounding the week to inspire the creative work on the page...good stuff.

The Many Days I Missed

Okay so I got a second to try and catch up...Still working on it but I have most days done. I think I officially missed two days, the 26th and the 27th, but I have more than enough naked lady pictures from Dr Sketchys Anti-Art school Burlesque model figure study session from the 25th to make up for it...Please don't be offended, if you don't want to see figure studies of a naked woman, don't look, it's art and for the most part very tasteful. and besides, I'm giving you the heads up so if you look it's your own deal.

Here goes!
Day 21

Day 22 (sorry it's really dark, I had to turn off the light on my desk because the light was reflecting off the magazine)

Day 23

Day 24 (terrible Alice drawing...terrible!!!)

Day 25 (me being bored waiting for Dr Sketchy's to start, the bloody Mary bar looked cool...although I was terribly sad the bartender made my lemondrop martini wrong and I couldn't enjoy it...oh well...)

Day 26 (just for fun, another picture of Diablo)

Day 27 (and another for filler...)

Day 28 (sketch I did after my Reading for Ideas class where we debated the ethics of the search for life sustaining planets...I had fun playing devils advocate, we also talked about our reading where the author hinted at the similarities between women and the moon, so I thought of a really cool painting I could do of Eve defiantly eating the apple with the crescent moon behind her head. ((obviously I'm not a fan of the Eve scapegoat idea...phooey!)))

Naked Lady Series (Model: Ms. Fanny Tastic of Chicago, very lovely 1920's/flight attendant style, cute personality, and she did some belly dancing for us, thumbs up!)

(Don't ask about the propellor pasties...she was wearing spinning pasties and the theme was "moving in the air"...I couldn't help it...)

(My favorite of the afternoon)

excuses excuses

My apologies. I've been keeping busy with homework and arguing with my mother for the fact that she wants to bring Diablo back to the vet we got him from...Apparently "it's like living with the devil!", well he's aptly named then...He's perfectly fine around me the two times I went to check up on him since she got him. I guess he get's pissed off when she tries to give him his medicine...duh, and doesn't like being put in a kennel...duh, and just all around doesn't want to have anything to do with her...well he's a cat! *sigh* sorry. She's mad at me because, "of course he likes me, I'm a cat person". It doesn't take a genious to realize that cats like their space.

Sorry, bringing the drama to the blog, not a good thing...I'm just worked up about this because I don't think it's just or fair to give a cat 48 hours and giving up on him...

but artwork...I totally have some to show you, I'm going to keep teasing you about it though...I'm horrible. I just have to sit down and take pictures of it all, i'm so behind in that. but I'm keeping up with my homework! that's the important part!

School is going great, I love all of my classes because they all work very well together. More on that later, class is starting now

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pictures of the kitty!

Owl kitty!

(sorry it's kinda sideways...I'm being lazy) He discovered the mirror and didn't trust it, not one bit!

El Diablo Guapo!

The Handsome Devil. That is the name of the cat my mom got last night. We did end up rescuing the cat that was dumped off at the Vet in North Minneapolis. He's a very large cat (14-15 pounds or so) with a beautiful coat of black and tawny brown-gray. His meow is very deep, slightly haggard but confident. We introduced him to Buddy (my black lab) and Diablo hardly acknowledged him, just sniffed him and kept walking, tail held proudly. Buddy just didn't know what to think of this fearless cat so he followed him around the house, pointing as though he were on the hunt. Diablo started to get a little agitated though and made his feelings known when it got a little crowded when the girl kitties came to investigate. When I dropped mom and Diablo at my mom's place, I watched him get the lay of the land. He hesitated quite a bit because my mother didn't do a very good job cleaning her apartment after fonz died. So Diablo clearly thought there was another cat around. poor guy.

I'm going to visit him today after I get off work and see how he's doing. Mom says she might end up taking him back because he's being anti-social...He's a cat! good lord, what does she expect! Poor guy, who knows what he's been through up until now. I'd be anti-social too! He just needs some time to get used to my mom and her place...*sigh* He is indeed a handsome devil though.

And as far as art goes...I have a lot to update now that I have my computer back. I will take care of that tonight when I get home and get some homework done. For now, it is time to start class...toodles!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Still Computerless

but back on a Mac! Life is good! I'm at my Aunt's now, grandma sitting for the evening while the disaster diva works overnight.

Never got a call from the Apple store today. I think I'll just stop in there tomorrow morning on my way home...I wants it back!

On a sadder note, my mother's cat, Fonz, was put down this morning. He was very old and very sick so it was certainly his time to go, but I'll always remember him. He always felt like a young cat in an old cat's body, up until the end and he was just in so much pain he couldn't move. But now my mom is looking for a new cat to keep her company, as it turns out, the lovely kaleidoscopekitty knows someone who knows a vet clinic that was just "given" a cat in desperate need of a loving home. (apparently his cage, that was abandoned outside the clinic reeked of pot...poor thing) Hopefully my mom can help the handsome man out.

So another day without art to show you, but never fear! I am keeping up with the creativity! I just can't post it...

Now I am off to the U of M where I will watch 24 hour theatre! so excited for this!

Toodles for now!
Vex Ennui

Friday, January 23, 2009

Computer Blues

I'm on Boyfriend's computer at the moment. I missed the cyber world too much. Although I have to say that I have been very productive as far as homework goes without the constant temptation to check facebook and email. I'm pathetic really...oh well. Lots of reading and a bit of art too.

Last week at the book store I picked up the Artful Blogger Magazine. I just started paging through it last night and it's so inspirational. All these artists putting their work, their lives and their hearts out there for strangers to read. I'm hoping that sometime soon I make the time to create more and better work to put up here. I honestly feel like I'm on a threshold, as though if I push a little farther, my work will improve by leaps and bounds. Someone in this magazine made an excellent point about not being afraid to try something new because what do you really have to lose? Some paint? some paper? Every effort is an experience and every experience is a lesson...Always something to learn.

On that note, I was very inspired last night, around midnight, to create something. so I looked at my planner which had two old pages that I couldn't rip out because they had important pages on the opposite sides. but the spread was ugly and I had crossed things out and made it even I took some watercolor, did a wash, found some magazine clippings, pasted them in, pulled out my gesso, painted some blobs here and there to create a surface to work on. Still developing it but I've discovered a good way to reuse the old pages of my planner. turn the thing into a visual journal of sorts. sure the pages become wrinkled and bulky, but suddenly my planner has character, meaning, parts of me and my art embedded into it. It's no longer a boring tool, only used for keeping track of my future, now it's a portfolio I can carry around and show people. Pretty cool I think. So every week there will be two new pages to draw on. Plus, having all that writing already on the page makes it less frightening to me.

Oddly enough, I'm an artist that's afraid of a pure white surface. I have all these canvases in the basement that I'm just too terrified to paint on. but they sure were fun to build! he...heh...*sigh* sketchbooks remain somewhat empty because I'm too afraid to play on the white space. I hate sketching in public because I feel like everyone is watching me and I'll disappoint them... Confidence issues, grrr. But I really do feel like forcing myself to play a little everyday, to make something, no matter what it is, and post it up here (whether I like it or not...) is helping me to free myself from that fear.

Wow, that was kind of a deep post...yay! I promise there will be pictures soon. I *could* probably post them using Bryce computer...but it's a PC *hiss* and I don't know what kind of photo programs he his screen display is really really weird making the font really really if I misspelled anything, that would be why...I can't really see what I'm typing unless my face is right up against the screen...I feel like I did pretty well overall...*grins*

hopefully I can pick up my baby tomorrow. I miss my computer. toodles all!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

computer face lift

Hey guys, just so you know my computer will be out of my hands for the next couple of days so I will not likely be able to update this until sometime on saturday. Rest assured I will still be doing creative things tonight and tomorrow and I *might* be able to update on Bryce's computer but it's a PC *hisss*

The good news is that my computer will look lovely when I get it back and it won't snap it's back every time I open it...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 21

Today I was reminded how much I enjoy writing. Our assignment for Reading for Ideas was to write a story of creation. The idea for this came quickly to me since Bryce and I have been talking about it a lot recently. I really enjoyed this. So much so that I think I went a little too in depth, at least more so than the assignment demanded. so rather than give you a drawing today, I'm going to bend the rules and let you read it. and hey, I gave you two creative things yesterday! hehe

Enjoy and tell me what you think. This is pretty much how I think things makes sense to me, more so than the Christian God with a Heaven and a Hell idea...


In the beginning there was First Father and First Mother. They wandered the void alone, not knowing the other existed. Until, in the vastness of time and space, they met unexpectedly and formed an unbreakable bond from a deep understanding of each other’s lonely journey through the void. Wishing there was more to the emptiness they traveled, they mated and gave birth to the Universe. This creation came with a great sacrifice, as they had to give up their physical appearance to give the Universe its Mass and Energy. But they were content to explore their creation as spirits.

For time immeasurable, they explored the new vastness of the Universe, but eventually they became lonely. Together they picked out their favorite planet, one with beautiful hills and valleys, gentle breezes and rolling waves. Here First Father gently skimmed his celestial hand through the water, giving the gift of Curiosity to many of the single celled organisms that floated about in the murk. These organisms wondered what the land was like, so they grew legs and began to explore. Some creatures wanted to know if they could eat something besides plants, so they ate smaller creatures and grew sharp teeth and claws to hunt them with. These smaller creatures, however, learned how to hide and defend themselves, developing camouflage patterns and poisons to deter their predators. Even though these creatures evolved to survive the changing world, their lives were short and they died. First Mother wept bitterly so she gathered the spirits of these creatures, and held them close to her.

First Father and Mother noticed that while all the creatures of this planet were beautiful, they only ever adapted and evolved when the environment demanded it. There was no desire for creation like they had had in the beginning. So together they visited Earth again. This time selecting a creature that was strange to them, it walked upright on two legs and used thumbs to grab things. They assumed this creature’s form, First Mother gathered water around herself and First Father gathered fire around himself so they could be seen and felt. The Great Mother approached Woman and gently touched her face giving her the gift of Creativity. The Great Father then gave Man the gift of Fire, teaching him how to create it and use it to craft other things. Now Man and Woman shared their gifts with each other, their families and the rest of their tribe. Father and Mother watched as dwellings were built, tools were fashioned and used for the benefit of all. Soon tribes were gathering around great fires to entertain each other with their ideas of why things worked the way they did and crops were sown to supply food for the growing population. Religion and Agriculture were born.

Now First Mother knew that she must release the spirits of the creatures she had been holding close for so long. She let them return to Earth to become human children with the promise that they would one day return to her and tell her stories of the lives on Earth. The spiritual molecules were so excited that they danced together in joy, mixing all about until they could no longer tell one from the other. All of their experience on Earth was mingled and shared and the individual was lost until it would find its home in a human mind. Every time creatures die, their spirit joins the dance with First Mother until some energy is needed to spark the mind of another being on Earth once again. Thus there is no one soul for an individual, rather a collection of spiritual energy from various times and places from Earth’s great history. There is no final destination for spirits, only the continual renewal and experience of Earth.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 20

So I'm feeling generous and I'm giving you a two for one today. Two artsy things in one day! what a deal! The first is some sketches I did during the inauguration...

and the second is a bag I made tonight. Surprisingly it didn't take me very long. about 3 hours I think...didn't time myself but that sounds about right. I used some Kimono silk I got from an Aunt of mine. I'm so happy with the results that I have a feeling more bags will be coming soon. I want to sell these on etsy but I'm afraid I've become attached to this's so pretty! It measures about 15" x 15" so it will likely become our new grocery bag to avoid using ugly plastic bags. so I totally need to make more anyway cause one is not enough! And hey, I can't use this fancy kimono silk for just groceries! maybe It'll be a new purse? who knows, but it's purdy!

And now I think it's time for bed. Tomorrow I have my Reading for Ideas class at 9:30, then I'm off to work at 1...then back home for more homework and perhaps another crafty thing...another bag? a pillow? a cute apron? those are three things that are on my mind at the moment...hehe

Inauguration Day

This is so exciting! I'm sitting in the Student Center with a large portion of my school, eating pie and watching the inauguration via cnn. It's a great feeling being part of a generation that really cares about the future of our nation and the whole world. The level of involvement in my school alone was really touching and now we gather to enjoy the benefits of our work. You can bet that the drawing of the day will involve the inauguration. okay, toodles!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 19

So I got some magazines that have absolutely amazing project ideas in them... except I don't have what I would need...*sigh* particularly for some pillows and tote bags, for those all I need is interfacing and a that's cheap. something I could put up on the etsy store! woot! which reminds me...totally didn't put the painting up there yet...I should do that before I decide to keep it...hehe

silly little drawing/painting today...I spent too much time watching Transformers and reading the magazines...*sigh*

Class starts tomorrow. I am so pumped! I love school! always something interesting and new going on. Hopefully this semester I can stay on top of things and really apply myself to what I'm doing...I need to stop stressing so much and just focus.

oh and fun idea I had inspired by one of the magazines I got...Mad Hatter Tea Party. perhaps there will be more on this idea soon...hehe, just thought I'd tease you a bit...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 18

Okay, here's my thing for the day. I'm starting to lean away from only doing drawings...anything artsy is game now...paintings, jewelry, not so much but possible. the painting today kinda sucks but I thought I'd let myself play with abstract non-sense. not really my thing, although maybe I just need practice. *shrug*

oh and I did open up an etsy shop today... I do believe that's correct...there's nothing up yet. I want to take some more pictures of yesterday's painting and put that up. I'm thinking about asking for $50 for it. is that too much? not enough? I never know how to price these things...*sigh* but that will likely go up tomorrow or some time soon at least...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 17

And here's the painting! It's late because Kristi came over and we made cookies so :P

The cookies turned out great by the way. chocolate chip cookies and raspberry strippers. good stuff.

but here's the painting...I'm really happy with it!

Day 16ish

Okay, so it's a bit late I know, but here it is. I've been wanting to do a painting for a while and so this sketch will become a painting today. Hopefully I do it right since I really like how this sketch turned out and I haven't painted in a very very long time.

and here's a picture of the progress we've made on the puzzle. I'm addicted to it. I swear I could spend the entire weekend working on it and be perfectly happy! but I won't...too much else to play guitar hero and make pretty artwork...and mayhap do some cleaning since the boys are gone until tomorrow evening.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15

Hokay, so...I've heard nothing but my roommate and his girlfriend argue for the entire night. I couldn't help but draw something horribly emo to commemorate their momentous fight and possible breakup.

I agree with bryce in that he thinks it looks like a heart that's loaded with tar and decay like a dead smoker's lung. I used black in and red watercolor for this. I'm actually rather happy with the result of these two mediums together. whee! time to read some more while my hair drys and read another chapter or two. Go Climactic endings to epic books!

Day 14

Okay, now let's see here. we're up to yesterday. The story behind yesterday's drawing is that at work I found out my coworker's son was taken to the hospital when he couldn't feel his legs. As it turned out, they found a blood clot in his neck. He was in surgery for two hours while they got it out. I made a get well card for him and today everyone signed it. He plays hockey and I've heard he's super super good at it. so I made a hockey teddy bear...see!? I can't stop thinking about making teddy bears!!! *sigh* but he's cute. I'm very very happy with how the card turned out. I used colored pencil too which I'm not very used to...but good results were had.

So right now I'm going to take a break from my desk and read a couple of chapters from my book before drawing again. Must finish the Amber Spyglass before classes start again!!!

Day 13

Okay so I'm not going to lie, I didn't draw this day...I slept and worked on the puzzle...after driving all night from Milwaukee the last thing I felt like doing was exerting any physical or mental effort beyond matching parts of a puzzle... so instead of trying to make up a drawing I could say I did that day. I'm going to do what I would have done that day anyway and post some pictures from the show...

Day 12

We went to the Metallica concert and this was drawn on the way up while I was bored and not driving. It is essentially the changing landscape around us as we drove so no, this "scene" doesn't exist like this, but all of the items in it did show up on our journey within two miles of each other.

Day 11

More doll designs. this one is a jointed cat. I have no idea how I'd go about making this..but it would be fun. Plus I got all this Kimono silk recently and I could make an amazing patchwork doll out of it...I need a pattern for this though as I've never made a doll-type thing in my life...whee!

Day 10

yeah... so I'm like 6 days behind or something crazy like that...I'm one reader...

I swear I have been drawing though! I have the proof in fact! I think I missed one day so I'll do two drawings tonight

Lately I've...wait...I just want to point out the stupidity of my roommate's girlfriend...she's talking on the phone to her dad that lives a ways away about something to do with states she's been too. (I wasn't paying much attention until I heard this) but then she something to the effect of, "and you hear all these people talk about how the world is overpopulated but they should see those states with all that open space..." I wanted to smack her...It's not about space! it's about resources!!! and how do you propose to move people from third world countries into our blessedly open spaces? gahhh!!! I just want to make her take the Aesthetics of Sustainability and the Futures classes that I took and make her see the folly in her statement...but there's no point..., lately I've been wanting to make dolls. don't ask me why cause I don't know what possessed me to want this. so the next two drawings are of designs I think would be fun. I was feeling emo this night so this doll is kinda sad looking.