Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 20

So I'm feeling generous and I'm giving you a two for one today. Two artsy things in one day! what a deal! The first is some sketches I did during the inauguration...

and the second is a bag I made tonight. Surprisingly it didn't take me very long. about 3 hours I think...didn't time myself but that sounds about right. I used some Kimono silk I got from an Aunt of mine. I'm so happy with the results that I have a feeling more bags will be coming soon. I want to sell these on etsy but I'm afraid I've become attached to this one...it's so pretty! It measures about 15" x 15" so it will likely become our new grocery bag to avoid using ugly plastic bags. so I totally need to make more anyway cause one is not enough! And hey, I can't use this fancy kimono silk for just groceries! maybe It'll be a new purse? who knows, but it's purdy!

And now I think it's time for bed. Tomorrow I have my Reading for Ideas class at 9:30, then I'm off to work at 1...then back home for more homework and perhaps another crafty thing...another bag? a pillow? a cute apron? those are three things that are on my mind at the moment...hehe


Anonymous said...

That bag is awesome! Looks great in person!

Here's my schedule...

Monday: Creative and Critical Thinking 9:30-12
Tuesday: Photo Book 1-6, TA Project Tracking 6:30-9
Wednesday: Writer's Workshop 9:30-12, Photo Lighting 1-6, History of Video Gaming 6:30-9
Thursday: Ethics and Aesthetics 9:30-12

Disaster Diva Debbie said...

You can't use THAT for groceries!