Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 19

So I got some magazines that have absolutely amazing project ideas in them... except I don't have what I would need...*sigh* particularly for some pillows and tote bags, for those all I need is interfacing and a that's cheap. something I could put up on the etsy store! woot! which reminds me...totally didn't put the painting up there yet...I should do that before I decide to keep it...hehe

silly little drawing/painting today...I spent too much time watching Transformers and reading the magazines...*sigh*

Class starts tomorrow. I am so pumped! I love school! always something interesting and new going on. Hopefully this semester I can stay on top of things and really apply myself to what I'm doing...I need to stop stressing so much and just focus.

oh and fun idea I had inspired by one of the magazines I got...Mad Hatter Tea Party. perhaps there will be more on this idea soon...hehe, just thought I'd tease you a bit...