Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So another day of break has passed by and I've got little to show for it beyond a new fun site discovery and more progress in my book. (His Dark Materials Series...awesome stuff...) but that's what breaks are for, right?

Over the weekend I perfected my new excel spreadsheets for my budgeting plan. I've found that simply the idea of me holding myself accountable for my spending makes me want to spend less or nothing if I can avoid it. In fact, I stopped at Target on the way home to pick up some fish for dinner and some other things we were out of. Walking through the aisles I saw all sorts of lovely things I thought would be good to have and I asked myself if it was worth adding that to my spread sheet and seeing the numbers drop more than they needed to. So clearly this idea is working and that makes me happy...now I just need to get a paycheck so I can see the numbers go up instead of down...

Now for the new fun site discovery...check out the web-comic "Lackadaisy" (http://www.lackadaisycats.com/) for the cutest reference to the 1920's prohibition with cat gangsters...I found her page while I was looking on the web for character drawing tutorials. This woman had just that and I loved what her drawings looked like so I dug deeper and found her webcomic.

Her tutorial has me wanting to work more on the concept of using guidelines as opposed to outlines, which is a simple idea but hard for me to put into practice for some reason. so after I'm done watching Ironman (very good movie...yay!)I'm going to go back upstairs and start doing some basic animals and humans...this is sad but I pretty much have to reteach myself how to draw again, a year away from a real drawing class without any practice has certainly taken it's toll...I can still copy something no problem (ex. using a photo reference for body posture or facial expression), but creating original work with no photo reference is my major problem. *sigh* I dunno, Hopefully making myself draw everyday will cure that and give me some interesting work to build on!

Tomorrow is new years eve...hopefully this one goes better than last year...

until next time...toodles

1 comment:

Disaster Diva Debbie said...

Cute comic...where is your drawing? Hmmm?

Katherine...rrrt? Katherine...rrrt?

Such a cute little doggie!