Friday, December 12, 2008

Last day o' Classes!

Currently on a break from Illustration while the instructor has some "time alone" with our work. Thought I would update this since Facebook isn't letting me upload images...Internet might be misbehaving or something.

So here's the Final for my illustration class all done and texted up...

If you can't guess/can't read the text, the images are for the lovely poem "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll. Also if you can't see in the image, the jabberwock is getting ready to take a bite out of a tragic...hehe. Originally I did this work on the computer using photoshop and my wacom...but it turned out horribly...just terrible so I redid it using watercolor and I'm a million times happier. This will be posted on the website shortly.

Still waiting on buying the domain name for my site...(praying to god that no one buys it before I get the money...) but I can't afford it right now...I should ask for it for Christmas...that would be awesome!!!! Then when I get that set up, I'm planning on designing new business cards to buy through again. The firedancing ones I have right now are cool but not very clean/professional looking. The portfolio class is all done and graded (got an A or A- I believe) and there are already changes I want to make to the more to come on that when I'm not sick of looking at code...

Okay, I'm going to see if facebook is cooperating yet...toodles all.

1 comment:

Disaster Diva Debbie said...

I thought the Jabberwock was going to eat squash! Isn't he vegetarian?