Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The hunt for an Internship

Okay...so the book is still coming along, I still have a lot to do but I can handle it...however the reports are another matter...no idea...no idea...

Onto happier topics...I spoke with one of my instructors today over a chai latte at Mapp's cafe about the class and my strengths and weaknesses. We also went over my notebook and talked about how it could be used as a tool for my personal futures. Afterward she gave me a tour of KFAI Radio station and introduced me to the person in charge of News and the person in charge of hiring volunteers and interns...quite lovely but I wasn't quite prepared for it so I'm sure I looked flustered. But if I got the internship there it would be either for Reporting the News or working on their Website, updating the blog and whatnot... either way it would be fun... and it's not too far from where I currently live, good plus. Unfortunately, I'm not having any luck finding a paid internship...we'll see...wish me luck...

So anyway, I'm currently at school TAing, being sad that I forgot my good pen at home since I was going to spend much of the night here doing work and not being distracted by my home. After I decide to leave TAing I've got to scan some stuff for Illustration. Then back home to work on EVERYTHING!!! yeah!!! I need more "calm" tea...gallons and gallons of it...and a hug.

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