Sunday, December 28, 2008

the new year is a-comin'

in less than a week it will be 2009...and it will feel the same as 2008...only I will feel older and more behind than ever. I'm actually kind of looking forward to 2012 so we can all find out if the Mayan calendar thing is real or if their calendar maker just died when he got to 2012...but 2009 is just another year. Another chance to set up silly New Years Resolutions like "I'm going to get in shape" or "I'm going to set aside money every paycheck into savings!" or "I'm going to volunteer in my community". I mock these things because, let's be honest, they never happen...and every year is as bad as the last as far as our weight, our savings and our contribution to the greater good...I laugh at anyone who makes a new years resolution and actually waits until the new year to start their goal...I mean, why not start now? For example...I'm planning on making it a goal to do a new drawing every day in 2009...that doesn't mean I can't start warming up now...I've done a few drawings this week just to get the feel for what it takes. I feel silly for the fact that I don't draw every's quite sad...but I created a block for myself long ago and now I realize I need to overcome it... a drawing every day...

plus I'm working on ways to really start putting a dent in my debt. I's pretty bad now...not even counting my student loans...which will suck, terribly bad... just looking at my credit's bad. but rather than make this a "new years resolution" I'm starting now...I've created the Budget sheets, the spending report and determined that once the lease at this place is up, I'm moving back in with my aunt and my grandma (thank you so much Debbie, I hope you know how grateful I am that you're letting me come back). Granted, the lease doesn't end until April...but it's good to know this anyway...I'm also pondering the possibility of getting my art quality up and starting to sell things on I have some prints in mind that I think are worth putting up but Bryce is right in that I need to get my quality up first if I want it to sell... I want to put my best representation of my work up. I just need more work to pick from...

So, lots on my plate for school, plus work, plus internship (if I can find one!!! grr)

I guess this update got a little drama-filled but I felt the need to write something and money is all I can really think about lately...

1 comment:

Disaster Diva Debbie said...

trauma drama....someday you will get beyond it....