Thursday, April 2, 2009

Internship, GO!

Good news everyone! I got an internship with where I currently work. The job that I've been doing has just been mindless grunt work but I went to them today with a presentation showing what I'm going to school for and what I would like to do for them over the course of two internships and a potential externship. They loved what I showed them and are excited to take me on as an intern but unfortunately they can't pay me for it...*pout* so I'll keep doing what I'm doing to earn some money to live on but plug in some hours doing the real fun stuff of the internship. I'm really excited to start, in fact once I'm done with this entry I'm going to fill out the internship contract and get that all set up and ready to go for tomorrow so they can sign it and I can turn it in on monday so I can start right away! wahhhh! why didn't I think of this sooner??? *sigh* oh well. I've got it now and that's what matters.

that's mostly it for now, time to get to work!

1 comment:

Disaster Diva Debbie said...

Did I tell you that I am proud of you? That was a very good presentation. You rock!