Saturday, February 7, 2009

When I am you

okay, new song obsession is Panzer AG. Andy LaPlegua has three bands that he works. the first is Icon of Coil, which is more lyrical, only a little creepy but not very dancy. Then they're is Combichrist which is more angry than creepy, aggresive-tech, more moshy than dancy...and now my new discovery of Panzer AG is the perfect mix of both. Creepy vocals, elegant lyrics, heavy dance beats and overall excellent feelings. Here's a sample, don't bother watching the actual video since it's just a pointless fan thing, just listen to the music.

it's very good, yes! Look up the other bands if you feel so inclined, I certainly get much enjoyment out of all of them.

School is going well. I'm actually keeping up with all of it so far! yay! by the end of sunday I should have all of the homework done besides the video I have to do which isn't due until thursday, I've already started it so it's not like I'm procrastinating, I just know I'll need more time for it. I'm having trouble sorting out the whole music video thing since I've never done one before but I have a great idea for it! I'm taking the song White Rabbit as sung by Collide and mashing it up with clips from Mirror Mask since Helena's journey into the dream world is very similar to Alice's Adventure in Wonderland.

Okay, Lunch is ready so I'm off to munch and crunch on that! toodles all


Disaster Diva Debbie said...

The drums in that song remind me of Tusk by Fleetwood Mac...neat percussion...the words are weird..

Disaster Diva Debbie said...

Hey! You have fallen behinder and behinder...where is my artwork?