haha! no...hardly. Summer Vacation means working full time to recover some funds, cleaning the house, getting rid of collected junk, getting ready to move, work on my art more, doing all the things I couldn't do while school was going on, like hang out with lovely people, working out and getting into shape (more on that later) and making dresses!
I'm really excited for this summer. Like the last blog said I have a lot planned for it, plenty to keep me busy and entertained! Just got my hair cut last night and it looks super spiffy. I'd take some pictures and post them but I just went for a run with Buddy so it's not so awesome right now. Quite a bit shorter than I'm used to but I'm glad I took the leap because it's wonderful! I found my favorite hair stylist and she has a new client...hehe woot!
All in all, finals went really well. I can't wait until grades come in because I think they'll be worth celebrating. I'll post them here when I get them.
It's a guard weekend so Bryce is up at Camp Ripley playing army. Good times. That means I get the place to myself and will be getting some work done in my studio. Now that we know we're moving I'm going to be minimizing my stuff and sorting out what I need with me, what I can store and what I'd like to store at Deb's (you know, just in case). I may also start/finish the dress I have cut out and waiting for my attentions...we'll see...
Tonight I'm going to cook up some Tilapia and asparagus, have a glass of wine and perhaps get the ball rolling on something. Not sure yet.
Oh, like I said above, I'm going to be working on losing some weight and getting into shape. I want to lose 15-20 pounds by mid summer. I miss a lot of my old clothes and think it's ridiculous that I can't fit into most of them. I banished the sweatpants that I've been wearing every freaking day and am forcing myself to wear the one pair of jeans that just barely fits me. Those sweatpants let me get away with too much...now I've got to work my bum off...literally. I'm going to be taking up bellydancing again when summer session rolls around, in the mean time I dug out my bellydance DVDs to start conditioning my muscles to work the way their supposed to. Plus I'm trying to go out running every evening when I get home from work. So far so good...well, being Day 1 and all... Also incorporating some bicycle crunches as per Bryce's suggestion. The hard part is going to be the running...I hate running and my knees hate me for trying to run. But I can't keep bending to their will. They'll only get worse if I keep babying them like I have been. I certainly can't do much now...like tonight I just ran/walked Buddy around a couple of blocks and came right back...but it's something, and better than nothing. I just have to keep adding a little bit more to it every time. I think tomorrow I'll go for a bike ride too...depends on the weather.
Speaking of the weather, it smelled like Lilacs and Rain while I was outside...a fragrance company really needs to market that smell because it is amazing!!! Good stuff.
Anyway, I think it's time to make some dinner. Toodles all!