Monday, July 13, 2009

I want more days like today!

Today was awesome! besides the work bit, that was just plain hot and boring (by hot, I mean being in a warehouse with no circulating air hot, not hot in a sexual way...)

I've been making it a point to bike to work as often as I can, both to save gas and burn some extra calories. It feels so very nice. Haven't noticed a change yet but perhaps it will kick in.

When I got home today, I discovered I had some mail, my favorite kind of mail in from the government! I got my renter's rebate back! god that felt good, especially after how I was feeling last night...That is going to put a nice dent in my credit cards! And then I get paid on wednesday! with any luck I can convince my dad to contribute tomorrow as well...what a profitable week I'm having!

After dinner, Deb and I started working on the quilt room, going through the closet of fabric to figure out what needed to be kept and what could be tossed. I'm proud of, she gave up a lot of fabric. Sometime this week she and I are going to start listing things on etsy so that should help some money come in. Every hour of chores I do, I am slowly chipping away at my debt to Debbie, it feels so good to be repaying her for all the helps she's given me over the years. Although truthfully no amount of chores I do could really add up to what she's done, but I can show her appreciation at least. I'll just have to make sure I amount to something so she knows her investment in me was well done.

At some point tonight my mother and I had a heart to heart. Well, sort of, as much as she can have one of those. I got a lot off my chest and whether it will mean anything to her in the future, I doubt, but for some reason I never stop trying... I just want a mother that cares, and that shows it. I want to see her be proud of me and not think I was a mistake, that she should have gone to be a nun or should have had a son. I'm proud of who I am, I want her to see that of all the mistakes she's made in her life, I am not one of them.

While I'm still conscious tonight I'm going to try and set up an excel spreadsheet for the etsy thing. My experience at the Pawn shop doing the ebay crap will come in handy I guess! I never actually thought that would happen...

I feel really good about today, really really good.


Disaster Diva Debbie said...

I want my fabric back....JK! I won't even miss it. Thank you for helping me.

Daisy Church said...

hey!! Thanks for the kind words over on my blog! I wasn't sure if you would see it, but I get my sketchbooks from
they re-use old books and put regular blank paper intermixed with the original pages... AWESOME books!!!! (they're also super nice!) : D